Good afternoon, we have had another week with some fantastic learning.
In English, the children used their imagination and planned their story
including adjectives, apostrophes, exclamation and question marks.
In maths, the children carried out numerous activities learning to
regroup to 10 addition and subtraction. They particularly enjoyed solving their
sums with the tens frame and counters.
In science, the children learnt the functions of a plant and created a
detailed labelled flower along with a brief explanation of each part.
Next week
English – the children will write their own traditional tale ensuring
they have included a variety of punctuation and a repeated phrase.
Maths - the children will generate their own 2-digit and 3-digit numbers,
identifying place value using base 10 and coins.
Science – the children will collect a variety of leaves from the school
field which we will discuss and classify.
History – we will role play what teaching was like in the past and
create a timeline.
RE – the children will continue learning about Judaism symbols.
PSHE – we will be discussing rewards which will include always being proud
of your work.
ICT – the children will practise mathseeds and mathletics using the iPads.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – for, at, his, but
Group 2 – climb, cane, kite, chick, choose, chalk.
Group 3 – Christmas, queue, ache, question.
Have a great weekend,
From the Year 2 team