Hello to all!
The children have enjoyed sharing their brilliant puppets with the class and discussing the different materials which they used.
Please see below the following upcoming events:
Friday 4th - Mufti day, please can the children bring in something for the PTA hamper.
Friday 11th - Christmas jumper day and it is also Christmas dinner at lunchtime.
Monday 14th - Year 2 Christmas party, party clothes can be brought for the children to change into in the afternoon.
Friday 18th - Elf day, dress as an elf. School finished at 2pm.
Next week
English - Poetry, the children will create a list poem.
Maths - Problem solving, the children will find part and whole numbers.
Geography - To explore symbols and patterns used to create maps.
D&T - Puppets
RE - Hanukkah
Science - Changing state solid, liquid, solid.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - went, was, said.
Group 2 - race, ice, city, face, site, settle.
Group 3 - circle, celery, cycle, Cinderella.
Have a great weekend.
From the Year 2 team.