Friday, 6 November 2020

 I hope you all had a great half term!

In English, the children learnt how to write an explanation text. We looked at a variety of texts and discussed the layout and present tense. The children created their own explanation text on how to work a pencil sharpener.

Next week, the children will write an explanation text showing the stages and process of riding a bicycle along with a labelled diagram and flow chart on how bicycles move.

In maths the children learnt to sequence numbers and they practised finding numbers on the hundred square.

Next week, the children will place numbers on a blank number line along with solving problems with addition and subtraction using reordering.

In geography the children learnt what a city is and identified some major capital cities around the world.

Next week they will explore the features of a city.

In science the children enjoy learning about different materials which they found in the classroom.

Next week the children will identify, compare and explore the suitability of everyday materials.

In RE, we will discuss the celebration of Diwali.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1: can, are, up, had.

Group 2: level, little, bottle, liquid, dial, detail.

Group 3: impossible, rational, dental, pencil.

This week in class I have taught the class how to use Microsoft Teams - this is an online learning platform. The children have been given their own emails and passwords to log onto Teams. We will be using this platform should we need to work from home as per the guidance given by the DFE. I have set up a small task for your child to write a sentence about what they did over the weekend.

You should have been sent a step-by-step guide how on how to use Microsoft Teams and we will be producing a video showing you exactly how to navigate the programme which will be on our blog. Please do not change your child’s password.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.