Friday, 27 November 2020

 Hello to all!

The children have enjoyed sharing their brilliant puppets with the class and discussing the different materials which they used. 

Please see below the following upcoming events:

Friday 4th - Mufti day, please can the children bring in something for the PTA hamper.

Friday 11th - Christmas jumper day and it is also Christmas dinner at lunchtime.

Monday 14th - Year 2 Christmas party, party clothes can be brought for the children to change into in the afternoon.

Friday 18th - Elf day, dress as an elf. School finished at 2pm.

Next week

English - Poetry, the children will create a list poem.

Maths - Problem solving, the children will find part and whole numbers.

Geography - To explore symbols and patterns used to create maps.

D&T - Puppets

RE - Hanukkah

Science - Changing state solid, liquid, solid.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - went, was, said.

Group 2 - race, ice, city, face, site, settle.

Group 3 - circle, celery, cycle, Cinderella.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.