Happy Friday everyone!
This week the children have worked extremely hard in
all their subjects, they enjoyed watching the short musical video of ‘The
elephants in the custard’.
In English, the children wrote about an exciting event
that happened when it was dark, together they created a great list of
In maths, the children completed numerous fraction
activities on ½, 1/4 and 2/4.
Next week
English – to finish reading together and discussing in
detail the book ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark. The children will write their own animal adventure.
Maths – to continue to solve problems using fractions 1/2,
¼, 2/4, ¾.
History – to learn and discuss how Florence Nightingale improved
the conditions in the hospital in Scutari.
PSHE – to discuss how to show respect in how we treat
D&T – to start to paint their boxes for their
moving vehicles.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – the, and, a, to, said
Group 2 – torch, storm, shore, cause, straw, paw
Group 3 – porch, sore, more, launch, crawl
Wishing you a fabulous and hopefully sunny bank
holiday weekend.
Mrs Beadle