Friday, 16 April 2021

 Hello to all, and welcome back.

 The children have settled back quickly into routine and enjoyed writing about one of their favourite days during the Easter holiday.


Next week

English - we will centre our learning around the book ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. The children will be involved in lots of discussion and during the week they will create a list of adjectives, create a sense poem and write about a good memory they can remember in the dark.  The children will also complete a comprehension and we will be looking at grammar.

Maths - the children will be learning fractions. They will find halves, quarters, thirds and three-quarters of a shape and amount.

 Science - the children will label the parts of a plant and tree in detail.

 History - the children will find out who Florence Nightingale was and where she lived.

 RE - we will discuss The Lord’s Prayer.

 PSHE - the children will discuss how to solve friendship problems when they occur.

 D&T -  this term the topic is mechanisms. The children will design, create and evaluate a moving vehicle which will include wheels and axles.

  If you have any small cardboard boxes at home, please could your child bring them into school for their moving vehicle.


Spellings for Friday are:

 Group 1 – called, here, off.

 Group 2 – middle, camel, bottle, paddle, tunnel, apple.

 Group 3 – squirrel, angle, parcel, circle, cancel.


Please also read daily and complete some activities on either mathseeds or mathletics.

 Have a great weekend.

Mrs Beadle