Friday, 12 November 2021

Wow, another busy week has flown by!

 In English, the children wrote an explanation on how to make a bicycle move and what is a bicycle. They drew a detailed picture of a bicycle and included a flow chart.

 Next week, the children will be practising their lines and songs for the Christmas show along with starting to perform with expression. The children received their lines yesterday, please if possible can they practise them over the weekend (the narrators will have their lines on the day, so they do not need to learn them off by heart).

In maths, the children completed sums rounding up or down to the nearest 10.

Next week, the children will recap number bonds, recognise numbers to 100 and using multiples of 10 they will complete sums using addition or subtraction.

Throughout the week, the children will start to sew and create their hand puppet.

It is anti-bullying week next week, on Monday the children can come to school wearing odd socks, this is a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique. The theme for this year is ‘One Kind Word’.

On Tuesday we have a Diwali workshop, which I know the children will thoroughly enjoy taking part in.

On Friday the children can wear non uniform for Children in Need, please could the children bring in a minimum of £1 donation.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – my, her, what, out.

Group 2 – wing, sting, thing, mother, climb, crumb.

Group 3 – mostly, motion, mirror.

We are creating a Christmas grotto, if you have any unwanted Christmas decorations. please could your child bring them into school.

Have a lovely weekend,

From the Year 2 team