Friday, 25 March 2022

Happy Friday everyone!

The children created their own fantastic ending to the story of Flat Stanley, they all worked extremely hard to include adjectives, exclamation and question marks and expanded noun phrases.

In maths the children enjoyed learning symmetry in shapes and completing lots of activities involving fractions.

Please see below an insight of the lessons for next week.

Our English and maths lessons will be centred around a past SATS paper; we will be working on the questions together.

Geography, we will look at world atlas’s and the map of the world. The children will locate capital cities, continents and oceans.

ICT, the children will create Easter cards.

Art, we will be experimenting colours by mixing water paints and the children will create a Picasso portrait painting.

On Monday we will be watching the KS2 production on 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies'.

On Thursday morning we are visiting Christ Church Little Heath. The children will walk around the church observing and discussing what they see, for example stain glass windows, signs, symbols and draw some artefacts.

KS1 workbooks, please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.


Fractions page 17, 18 and 19

English Comprehension

Tiger Troubles page 16

Sports page 18

 English Grammar

Apostrophes for missing letters and possession pages 16 and 17

Reminder we will be finishing school at 2pm for our Easter holidays.

Wishing you a sunny, fun weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 18 March 2022

Hello everyone!

The children have enjoyed our class story on Flat Stanley and they have created lots of verbs, adverbs, adjectives and apostrophes.

In maths, the children have created lots of arrays to solve their multiplication problems, we also looked at division.

Next week

English – continue reading and focusing the lessons on the story Flat Stanley. The children will learn suffixes, expanded noun phrases and create a different ending to the story.

Maths – to learn geometry 2D and 3D shapes with symmetry and the following fractions 1/2, ¼, 1/3 and ¾.

Geography - we will be looking at local maps to locate where we live in detail along with understanding the symbols and key.

Science -  the children will be learning that medicines are harmful substances and to name the objects around the house that could be dangerous.

RE -  the children will be learning and researching, why does Shabbat have a special place in Jewish families?

KS1 workbooks, please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.


Dividing pages 14, 15 and 16

English Comprehension

The United Kingdom page 13

Our Solar System page 14

 English Grammar

Commas in lists pages 14 and 15

Wishing you all a wonderful, sunny weekend,

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 11 March 2022


The children have all worked extremely hard this week, well done everyone!

Next week

Maths – multiplication, learning multiples and repeated addition, arrays and grouping.

English – reading and discussing our new class book ‘Flat Stanley’. The children will create different sentence types, use expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.

Science – to discuss and describe the importance of hygiene.

RE – to sequence the Easter story.

 Geography – to explore of human features of Edinburgh and Cape Town.

 PSHE – centred on healthy me.

KS1 workbooks, please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.


Multiplying pages 11,12 and 13

English Comprehension

Making a bird feeder page 11

The Phoenix and the carpet page 12

 English Grammar

Capital letters, full stops page 12

Question and exclamation marks page 13

Please note Friday is non uniform day for Red Nose Day.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Please see below some photographs taken from our Great Fire of London day.


Friday, 4 March 2022

 Hello to all! 

The children looked fantastic on World Book Day, they had a fun day. They created a worry doll based from the story Silly Billy by Anthony Browne. Pease see photos taken below.


 Today, we had a fantastic workshop day on The Great Fire of London, the children completed numerous activities and learnt a lot of detailed facts. Thank you so much for all the helpers during the day, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Over the weekend I will upload some photos taken from the day.

 Please see below an insight of the lessons for next week.

English – Look at some SAT’s questions taken from previous years

Maths - The children will learn doubling and halving using multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even number.

Science – why is exercising important?

Geography – explore the features of Edinburgh and Cape Town

RE - The Easter story.

ICT - decoding

Art – research Pablo Picasso


KS1 workbooks, please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.


Subtracting page 9 and 10

 English Comprehension

Vinay’s diary page 9

Plum page 10

 English Grammar

Using and, but and or page 10

Using when, if, that and because page 11

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.