Hello everyone!
The children have enjoyed our class story
on Flat Stanley and they have created lots of verbs, adverbs, adjectives and apostrophes.
In maths, the children have created lots
of arrays to solve their multiplication problems, we also looked at division.
Next week
English – continue reading and focusing
the lessons on the story Flat Stanley. The children will learn suffixes,
expanded noun phrases and create a different ending to the story.
Maths – to learn geometry 2D and 3D
shapes with symmetry and the following fractions 1/2, ¼, 1/3 and ¾.
Geography - we will be looking at local
maps to locate where we live in detail along with understanding the symbols and
Science - the children will be learning that medicines
are harmful substances and to name the objects around the house that could be
RE - the
children will be learning and researching, why does Shabbat have a special
place in Jewish families?
KS1 workbooks,
please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.
Dividing pages 14, 15 and 16
English Comprehension
The United Kingdom page 13
Our Solar System page 14
English Grammar
Commas in lists pages 14 and 15
Wishing you all a wonderful, sunny weekend,
From the Year 2 team.