Hello to all!
The children looked fantastic on World Book Day,
they had a fun day. They created a worry doll based from the story Silly Billy
by Anthony Browne. Pease see photos taken below.
Today, we had a fantastic workshop day on The Great Fire of London, the children completed numerous activities and learnt a lot of detailed facts. Thank you so much for all the helpers during the day, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Over the weekend I will upload some photos taken
from the day.
English – Look at some SAT’s questions taken from previous years
Maths - The children will learn doubling and halving using multiplication
and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including
recognising odd and even number.
Science – why is exercising important?
Geography – explore the features of Edinburgh and
Cape Town
RE - The Easter story.
ICT - decoding
Art – research Pablo Picasso
workbooks, please complete the following pages and return the books by Thursday.
Subtracting page 9 and 10
English Comprehension
Vinay’s diary page 9
Plum page 10
English Grammar
Using and, but and or page 10
Using when, if, that and because page
Have a great weekend
From the Year 2 team.