Happy sunny Friday!
The children have worked fantastically hard completing their SATS papers throughout the week and I am extremely proud of them. ( I told them the tests are to help me with my planning, so they did not worry about them).
Next week, during the mornings the children will build, create, paint and decorate their moving vehicles along with building the chassis and adding the wheels using a glue gun which I will be assisting with (one child at a time). Once the vehicles are finished the children will evaluate their moving vehicles against their original design and we will have a race.
In the afternoons the children will learn the story of 'Baboon on the moon' and they will write their own descriptive story using correct punctuation, connectives, adjectives and adverbs.
In science we will continue to observe and discuss the growth of the sunflowers planted both inside and outside of the classroom.
Please see below spellings which the children can choose to learn for Friday:
in, her, I, of, it
illness, sadness, kindness, enjoyment, payment, amazement
quietness, closeness, measurement, entertainment
Have a great weekend
From the Year 2 team.