We made it – half term is here!
It was lovely to meet you all this week and discuss your child’s progress and how well the children have settled into Year 2.
Home learning
Following on the topic of puppets. I would like the children to create a
moving puppet of their choice. We have looked at lots of different ideas. The
children will discuss the materials they have used to the
Date for the puppets to be in by is 24th November 2022.
Next term, an insight of what we will be focusing on.
Maths – Handling data, calculating measuring and understanding shape along with knowing and using number facts.
English – Explanations, recount and calligrams.
Science – Materials.
Geography – Life in the city.
R.E. – Muslim prayer and action and festivals including Christmas.
D&T/Art – Creating Christmas stockings.
PSHE – Celebrating difference.
ICT – Communicating and collaborating online.
With the cold weather potentially coming soon, could you please make sure that any extra clothing that comes in (gloves, scarfs, hats, etc.) is clearly labelled.
Have a fantastic half term,
From the Year 2 team.