Hello everyone, we have had a very busy but fun week.
The children have worked extremely hard on their story
centred on Rapunzel and created fantastic stories using their imagination and
exciting adjectives.
In maths the children enjoyed using lots of different
resources to solve their sums and they especially liked using the real coins.
Next week
English – to create their own version of Handa’s Surprise.
Maths – the children will be regrouping along with counting
on and back.
Art – using charcoal to create an observational drawing on
RE – to finish our topic on the meanings of religious symbols.
PSHE – it is Equalities week and the children will complete
numerous activities.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – for, at, his, but
Group 2 – climb, cane, kite, chick, choose, chalk
Group 3 – Christmas, queue, ache, question
Reminder on Friday we are celebrating the anti-racism
movement. It is non-uniform day but the children must wear at least one item
that is red in exchange for doing
this we would like the children to bring a donation of at least a pound for the
charity. The children can either make the donation in cash and bring it into
school or you can make the donation on your child’s Arbor portal.
Have a great
From the Year 2