Good afternoon,
Lovely to see you so many of you at the
Harvest Coffee morning, the children sang their songs beautifully.
On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time at the British
Museum in Hitchin.
The children were extremely well behaved and
enjoyed the role play acting as Victorian children.
Please see photos taken below.
English – The children will continue
to plan and create their own traditional tale, including adjectives,
exclamation marks and a repeated sentence.
Maths – To identify place value.
Science – Testing materials for use
of a coat.
History – To produce a recount on our
class trip.
ICT – To develop familiarity with the
computer and keyboard.
PSHE – To be a good listener and care
about other people’s feelings.
RE – To research why light is
important in the Jewish, Hindu and Christian religion.
Art – To use a variety of shading
pencils to create different tones, patterns and textures.
Spellings for next week are:
Group 1 – they, on, she, is.
Group 2 – bridge, sledge, budge,
nudge, strange, change
Group 3 – porridge, footbridge,
Have a great weekend
From the Year 2 team.