Friday, 7 October 2022

Good afternoon,

Lovely to see you so many of you at the Harvest Coffee morning, the children sang their songs beautifully.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time at the British Museum in Hitchin.
The children were extremely well behaved and enjoyed the role play acting as Victorian children.
Please see photos taken below.

Next week

English – The children will continue to plan and create their own traditional tale, including adjectives, exclamation marks and a repeated sentence.

Maths – To identify place value.

Science – Testing materials for use of a coat.

History – To produce a recount on our class trip.

ICT – To develop familiarity with the computer and keyboard.

PSHE – To be a good listener and care about other people’s feelings.

RE – To research why light is important in the Jewish, Hindu and Christian religion.

Art – To use a variety of shading pencils to create different tones, patterns and textures.

Spellings for next week are:

Group 1 – they, on, she, is.

Group 2 – bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change

Group 3 – porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.