Good evening to all,
The children
have had a very productive week in English planning their own version of The
Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have worked very hard checking they have changed the characters and repeated
phrases, including commas, adjectives and exclamation marks.
Next week, the children will write their stories
and we will be continuing our topic on recurring language. We will be looking
at the story The Enormous Turnip.
In maths, the
children learnt about pictograms, tally charts, tables and totaling and
comparing amounts in block graphs. The children discussed the graphs in detail
and answered questions to consolidate their learning.
Next week,
the children will be solving calculations with addition and subtraction, using
bar models.
science, the children named and described how humans change as they grow.
Next week,
the children will discuss the basic needs they would need on their trip to
art, we discussed where different fruits are grown.
Next week,
the children will write down all the equipment and which fruit they would need
to make their fruit kebab for the following week.
history, the children learnt the events of the Great Fire.
Next week, the children will
find out why the fire spread so quickly.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – as, no, mum, one
Group 2 – let’s, I’m, I’ve, isn’t,
can’t, it’s, I’ll, didn’t
Group 3 – they’re, couldn’t,
hasn’t, we’ve
KS1 Workbooks, please see below
the following topics and return by Thursday.
English – Habitats, The monkeys
and the crocodile
Maths - Fractions
Have a great weekend
From the Year 2 team