Hello to everyone and happy Friday!
The children have worked very hard this week in all their subjects. They thoroughly enjoyed racing their moving vehicles down the ramp outside the Foundation unit, as you can see below.
Next week
English - to create their own myth story.
Maths - to learn symmetry and patterns in shapes.
Science - to carry out a mini-beast survey
History - to research Mary Seacole to find out what she was famous for.
RE – to listen to creation stories
Please remember KS1 sports day is on
Thursday at 9.15am.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - that, with, all, we
Group 2 - core, door, saucer, saw, born, straw
Group 3 - store, flooring, shawl, yawn, haunted
Wishing you a fun weekend.
From Mrs Beadle and Mrs Blatch