Good afternoon to all!
This week, the children had a lovely afternoon
planting numerous seeds and learning how to look after them. They also enjoyed
programming and sequencing different algorithms using the Beebots.
In English, the children wrote about an exciting
memory they had, when it was night time.
Next week, the children will write their own story
about something that happens at night time in the first person, they will
include descriptive and subordinating language.
In maths, the children have learnt unit and non-unit
fractions along with recognizing two quarters and three quarters.
Next week, we will continue learning three quarters
and a whole using concrete materials (fruit, cubes, coins).
Next week
RE – to explore a Christian charity.
PSHE – t discuss showing respect in how to treat
others and how to recognise and appreciate people.
Science – to observe the seeds which have been
D&T – to build the chassis of the moving vehicles.
Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1 – the, and, a, to, said.
Group 2 – torch, storm, shore, cause, straw, paw.
Group 3 – porch, sore, more, launch, crawl.
On Friday’s we will also be practising our 2, 5, 10
times table.
Home learning –
please could the children learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables up to 12.
Have a fun, long weekend,
From the Year 2 team.