Friday, 10 May 2024

Happy sunny Friday!

The children have worked very hard in all their topics, especially on their story about something exciting that happens at night time.

Next week

In English, we are looking at instructions using sequenced language to order events and command verbs. The children will write an instruction on ‘How to plant a seed’.

In maths, we are starting our new topic on time. The children will learn the o’clock and half past, quarter past and quarter to along with telling the time past and to the hour.

In D&T, the children will paint and decorate their moving vehicles. Once the vehicles are finished the children will evaluate their moving vehicles against their original design and we will have a race.

In science we will continue to observe and discuss the growth of the sunflowers planted both inside and outside of the classroom.

In history, the children will order and summarise events in the life of Florence Nightingale.

Please see below spellings for Friday:

Group 1 - in, her, I, of, it

Group 2 - illness, sadness, kindness, enjoyment, payment, amazement

Group 3 - quietness, closeness, measurement, entertainment

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.