Hello to everyone!
We have had a fun and busy first half a week back. The children are all settling very well into their new routine.
Please see below a brief insight of
the topics we will be covering for next term.
English - List
poetry and traditional tales.
Maths - Securing
fluency to 20, regrouping, subtraction and place value.
Science - Uses of
everyday materials.
History - History of
the school.
Art - Observational
PSHE - Being me
in my world.
ICT - Understanding what is IT and how we use IT in school and in the world.
RE - Expressing
religious meaning.
PE timetable:
Monday –
change of footwear. Wednesday and Friday - full PE kit. Please
remember to label every piece of clothing along with footwear.
English – we will
look at and discuss various list poems and the children will create an Autumn
list poem.
Maths – the topic is
place value. The children will use a place value chart and partition numbers to
Science – we will
discuss the properties of different materials and the children will create a
collage using natural materials.
RE – we will discuss
religion and religious symbols.
Art – to discuss observational
drawings and look at different types of shading.
History – we will
discuss the history of our school and look at old photographs and logbooks.
PSHE – circle time
discussing hopes and fears for the year.
ICT- to discuss what is IT?
Spelling test will be on Friday
mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both or all
groups if they want to.
Group 1 – the, and, a, to.
Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, be,
Group 3 - flour, flower, bear, bare.
Wishing you a great and hopefully sunny
From the Year 2 team.