Friday 27 September 2024

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel, they also compared the original story to the modern version using adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Next week, the children will re-create their own version of the ending of Rapunzel and include conjunctions, adjectives and verbs.

 In maths, the children solved numerous calculations using base 10 looking at 10s and 1s and placed various numbers on the number line.

Next week, the children will be ordering and comparing numbers along with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Next week


The children will carryout an experiment to understand what materials would be suitable for a waterproof raincoat.


We will continue to discuss the history of our school looking at the school log books dating back over 100 years!


The children will create an observational drawing on shells.


The children will explore the Christian religious symbols.

0ur annual book fair will be held after school on Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th, Monday 7th, and Tuesday 8th of October. We hope you and your children will come along and enjoy exploring some great books!

Friday is Harvest Festival and we look forward to seeing you all, timings for our class will be in the newsletter.

Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: they, on, she, is.

Group 2: bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change.

Group 3: porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

I have updated your child’s Year group on Numbots and the children have put them in their book bag to complete the fun maths activities.

 Have a great weekend and I hope the weather improves!

The Year 2 team