Friday, 25 October 2024

Happy half term everyone! 

It was great to see so many of you at parent consultations this week.

The children have settled extremely well into the routine and expectations of Year 2, I am sure like me you are very proud of their progress. 

Please see below an insight of the topics we will be covering next term.

English – the children will be comparing three different versions of Goldilocks, identifying the adjectives to describe the character of Goldilocks, create a wanted poster and sequence the original story.

Maths – the topics are addition and subtraction along with 2D and 3D shapes.

Science - We will continue our topic on the uses of everyday materials and we will start with exploring transparency and opaque, along with discussing natural and manmade materials and researching famous inventors.

Geography - Our topic is 'Would you like to live in a hot or cold place? Our first lesson will be learning, Where are the continents?

PSHE - The topic is 'Celebrating differences'.

RE - We will be learning about Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

D&T - The topic is on creating 'Hand Puppets', the children will create a Christmas stocking.

ICT – Digital photography.

Have a fun and relaxing half term and I look forward to seeing you at the fireworks on Saturday 2nd November.

Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Alimadadi