Good afternoon,
I am sure you will
agree what a lovely start to the day it was today, the children sang
beautifully and it was great to see so many of you at the Harvest Coffee
Next week
English – the
children will continue to plan in detail their ending of their story. The
children will write descriptive sentences and include connectives.
Maths – the children
will solve calculations using addition and subtraction numbers within 20 and
solve calculations using 3s.
PSHE – we will
discuss rules and responsibilities.
History – the
children will draw the old entrance of Little Heath School.
Science – to learn
about the inventor Charles Macintosh.
Art – to draw using
their new shading skills different shells for our art display.
Spellings for Friday
Group 1: for, at, his, but.
Group 2: find, mind,
kind, behind, wild, child.
Group 3: climb,
chalk, cane, chair.
Wishing everyone a
sunny weekend.
Mrs Beadle, Mrs Alimadadi
and Miss Russon