Friday 11 October 2024

Happy sunny Friday!

We have had a very busy but fun week.

The children have worked extremely hard on their story centred on Rapunzel and created fantastic stories using their imagination and exciting adjectives.

In maths, the children enjoyed using lots of different resources to solve their sums, we have been looking at patterns in number bonds up to 20.

Next week

English – to participate in discussion on the story Handa’s Surprise, the children will write descriptive sentences including connectives.

Maths – solving calculations adding and subtracting using 1s, add three 1 digit numbers and number bonds to 100.

History – to describe a Victorian classroom.

Science – to create a waterproof painting.

Reminder re - Home Learning is due in by 21st Octoberto write about your favourite reading book. 

Please include the following: the title and the author of your book. What is the book about? What is your favourite part of the story and why? Did you enjoy the ending? If not what ending would you write instead and draw a picture. 

Our spellings for next week, we are looking at the common exception words which the children will practice daily within the classroom. You can find these on the tab at the top under Year 2 common words and we are starting on the first column - door to everybody.

Have a fun weekend,

Mrs Beadle

Friday 4 October 2024

 Good afternoon,

I am sure you will agree what a lovely start to the day it was today, the children sang beautifully and it was great to see so many of you at the Harvest Coffee morning.

Next week

English – the children will continue to plan in detail their ending of their story. The children will write descriptive sentences and include connectives.

Maths – the children will solve calculations using addition and subtraction numbers within 20 and solve calculations using 3s.

PSHE – we will discuss rules and responsibilities.

History – the children will draw the old entrance of Little Heath School.

Science – to learn about the inventor Charles Macintosh.

Art – to draw using their new shading skills different shells for our art display.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1: for, at, his, but.

Group 2: find, mind, kind, behind, wild, child.

Group 3: climb, chalk, cane, chair.

Wishing everyone a sunny weekend.

Mrs Beadle, Mrs Alimadadi and Miss Russon

Friday 27 September 2024

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel, they also compared the original story to the modern version using adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Next week, the children will re-create their own version of the ending of Rapunzel and include conjunctions, adjectives and verbs.

 In maths, the children solved numerous calculations using base 10 looking at 10s and 1s and placed various numbers on the number line.

Next week, the children will be ordering and comparing numbers along with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Next week


The children will carryout an experiment to understand what materials would be suitable for a waterproof raincoat.


We will continue to discuss the history of our school looking at the school log books dating back over 100 years!


The children will create an observational drawing on shells.


The children will explore the Christian religious symbols.

0ur annual book fair will be held after school on Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th, Monday 7th, and Tuesday 8th of October. We hope you and your children will come along and enjoy exploring some great books!

Friday is Harvest Festival and we look forward to seeing you all, timings for our class will be in the newsletter.

Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: they, on, she, is.

Group 2: bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change.

Group 3: porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

I have updated your child’s Year group on Numbots and the children have put them in their book bag to complete the fun maths activities.

 Have a great weekend and I hope the weather improves!

The Year 2 team


Friday 20 September 2024

Good afternoon to all,

We have had another action-packed week with lots of fun activities.

The children thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the synagogue which was extremely informative and interesting. The Rabbi answered lots of questions from the children and their behaviour was exceptional, well done Year 2.

In English, the children enjoyed using their imagination creating their own list poem of ‘Ten things found in a Wizard’s pocket’ which will be displayed in the classroom.

Next week, we will start our topic on Traditional Tales. The children will compare the story of Rapunzel the original and modern version and make inferences.

 In maths, the children worked very hard on using a place value chart for 10s and 1s.

Next week, the children will be solving missing numbers on a number line to 100.

Next week


The children will find out how various objects are made and carryout an experiment to understand that some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.


We will continue to discuss and compare the history of our school to a Victorian school.


The children will create an observational drawing using their new shading skills.

 Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: of, it, was, you.

Group 2: poor, floor, door, fine, mind, behind.

Group 3: because, after, when, that.


Home Learning - to write about your favourite reading book. 

Please include the following: the title and the author of your book. What is the book about? What is your favourite part of the story and why? Did you enjoy the ending? If not what ending would you write instead and draw a picture. 

To be handed in please by 21st October.


Please can your child bring in their reading books daily, we are very lucky to have volunteer readers who will listen to your child read on Mondays and Wednesdays. Your child can change their book once they have finished it and a comment is in the reading record confirming the book has been read.

Have a great weekend

The Year 2 team


Friday 13 September 2024

Good afternoon to all,

We have had a brilliant week; the children have worked very hard, well done everyone!

In English, the children have focused on their handwriting and they are starting to form their letters correctly along with creating a list poem on Autumn.

Next week, the children will create and learn the poem ‘Ten things found in a Wizard’s pocket’ and create their own list poem including adjectives.

 In maths, the children enjoyed using base ten to solve calculations.

Next week, the children will partition numbers to 100 and find the missing numbers on a number line. 

Next week


We will identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials by exploring the purposes of different objects inside and outside of the classroom.


We will be looking at the meanings of symbols in the Jewish religion along with visiting a synagogue on Thursday morning.


We will continue to learn and compare what schooling was like over 100 years ago.


The children will be discussing IT within in the school.

Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, all children will learn group 1 spellings and then they can choose to challenge themselves to learn group 2 and 3. Sorry for any confusion but just to confirm the spelling results will now be in their spelling book and not written in their reading book.

 Group 1 – said, in, he, I.

Group 2 – hear, here, by, bye, whole, hole.

Group 3 – allowed, aloud, boy, buoy.


Thursday morning, we are visiting the Elstree and Borehamwood synagogue.

Friday morning, your children will be having their individual photographs taken.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Friday 6 September 2024

Hello to everyone!

We have had a fun and busy first half a week back. The children are all settling very well into their new routine.

Please see below a brief insight of the topics we will be covering for next term.

English - List poetry and traditional tales.

Maths - Securing fluency to 20, regrouping, subtraction and place value.

Science - Uses of everyday materials.

History - History of the school.

Art - Observational drawings.

PSHE - Being me in my world.

ICT - Understanding what is IT and how we use IT in school and in the world.

RE - Expressing religious meaning.

PE timetable: 

Monday – change of footwear. Wednesday and Friday - full PE kit. Please remember to label every piece of clothing along with footwear.

 Next week

English – we will look at and discuss various list poems and the children will create an Autumn list poem.

Maths – the topic is place value. The children will use a place value chart and partition numbers to 100.

Science – we will discuss the properties of different materials and the children will create a collage using natural materials.

RE – we will discuss religion and religious symbols.

Art – to discuss observational drawings and look at different types of shading.

History – we will discuss the history of our school and look at old photographs and logbooks.

PSHE – circle time discussing hopes and fears for the year.

ICT- to discuss what is IT? 

Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both or all groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – the, and, a, to.

Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, be, bee.

Group 3 - flour, flower, bear, bare.

Wishing you a great and hopefully sunny weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday 19 July 2024

Dear Year two,

We wish to say a huge thank you, thank you, thank you for all our extremely generous gifts.

It has been an absolute pleasure teaching and watching your children progress and grow.

Have a fantastic summer 

Best wishes

Mrs Beadle, Mrs Alimadadi and Mrs Rexhaj