Friday, 8 February 2019

Good afternoon everyone,
We have had another very busy ,fun, active week in Year 2.

In English the children wrote their own version of The Enormous Turnip, they used their imagination and created a very different detailed version.
Next week, the children will be writing shape poems. They will be looking at calligrams and acoustic poems centred on The Great Fire of London for our class display.

In maths the children used base 1- equipment to solve their problems.
Next week, the children will be solving maths problems using cuisenaire rods.

In science the children identified healthy and unhealthy foods and created a healthy menu.
Next week, the children will research: Why humans exercise?

In history the children enjoyed learning and researching Samuel Pepys, they created a mind map and wrote sentences following what they had learnt.
Next week, the children will write up what they have learnt from our topic this term of The Great Fire of London.

Spellings for next week are:
Group 1: children, him, Mr, get, just.
Group 2: move, prove, improve, should, would, could.

Open afternoon is on Wednesday from 3pm until 4.30pm, I look forward to seeing you then.
Valentines disco for KS1 is on Thursday from 5pm until 6pm.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle