Friday, 1 February 2019

Hello all,
The children have enjoyed learning the sequence of the story of The Enormous Turnip.
Next week, the children will be creating their own version of this story.

In maths, the children will continue to learn new methods of grouping and regrouping to 10, subtracting 2-digit numbers.

In science the children will be learning the importance for humans of eating the right amounts of different types of food.

In history the children will be discovering and learning about Samuel Pepys and his diary.

In PSHE the children will be discussing how to have a positive attitude and how to work cooperatively in a group to solve problems.

In RE the children will be discussing and researching, how do different religions say 'thank you' to God?

In D&T our topic on healthy food, on Tuesday the children will be creating fruit kebabs. (The children do not need to bring in any fruit for this lesson, the school will provide this).

Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1: come, will, into, back, from
Group 2: wrist, write, wrote, written, wrong, most, both, only.
Have a great snowy weekend
Mrs Beadle