Friday, 22 February 2019

I hope you are all having a wonderful half-term we have been extremely lucky with the weather, l hope it continues!

Please find below a brief outline of the topics the children will be covering over the next term.

We will be reading the story ’15 things not to do with a puppy’. The children will create posters of ideas of what not to do and should do for your teacher! The children will learn commands, apostrophe for contraction and recap suffixes.

Problem solving with addition and subtraction in a range of contexts.

Animals including humans continued.

Where do I live?

Healthy me.

The Lord’s Prayer, The Easter Story, Shabbat and Passover.

Digital media using data.

Pablo Picasso, the children will research the artist and recreate one of the paintings using water colours.

Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.
Mrs Beadle