Friday, 8 October 2021

Good afternoon, lovely to see so many of you at the Harvest Coffee morning.

The children as I’m sure you will agree sang their songs beautifully and we have raised lots of money for Breast Cancer Awareness.


Please book your timeslot via the Parents Evening website. I am free to meet with you all on Monday 18th October in the morning or Thursday evening on the 21st October.


In English the children worked extremely hard writing their own story centred on Rapunzel.

In maths the children used the tens frame and coins to solve maths sums (breaking down a 10 into 10 ones).

Next week

English – the children will be involved in lots of discussion and look at the punctuation (speech, exclamation and question marks) in the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’. The children will also role play the story.

Maths – to identify the place value in 2 digit numbers and compare and present their work using a range of equipment.

Science – to identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials by exploring the purposes of different objects.

History – to discuss the history of our school looking at the log books dating back over 100 years.

PSHE – To be a good listener and care about other people’s feelings.

RE – To research why light, water and trees are important Jewish religious symbols.

On Thursday it is Black History day and we will discuss Black History and learn about Mary Seacole.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – for, at, his, but

Group 2 – climb, cane, kite, chick, choose, chalk

Group 3 – queue, ache, questions, Christmas

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.