Friday, 22 October 2021

 Happy Friday!

It was great to see so many of you at parent consultations this week.
The children have settled extremely well into the routine and expectations of Year 2, I'm sure like me you are very proud of their progress.

They looked fantastic and really enjoyed wearing their spooky costumes, please see below photos.

Please see below a brief insight of the topics we will be covering next term.

Literacy - We will be discussing the difference between instruction and explanation. The children will be writing their own explanations.

Maths - We will be representing, ordering and comparing numbers to 100, adding and subtracting 2 and 3 one digit numbers along with measuring using different scales.

Science - We will continue our topic on the uses of everyday materials and we will start with exploring melting ice using appropriate senses, discussing natural and manmade materials along with researching famous inventors.

Geography - We will start our topic on 'Where do I live?' this will include our school and surroundings.

PSHE - We will be start the topic on 'Celebrating differences'.

RE - We will be learning about Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

D&T - We will be starting our topic on creating 'Hand Puppets'.

Have a fun and relaxing half term.

From the Year 2 team.