Friday, 1 October 2021

Hello everyone!

In English, the children planned their story of their version of Rapunzel, we discussed adjectives and conjunctions to use in their story.

In maths, the children enjoyed solving problems using tens frame, cards, cherry model and learning the inequality signs.

Next week

English – The children will write their own version of Rapunzel, including adjectives and conjunctions.

Maths – Continue to recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, regrouping using tens and ones and coins.

Science – To feel different materials and discuss how their shape changes.

ICT – To practise using the keyboard

PSHE – To be a good listener and care about other people’s feelings.

RE – To research why light, water and trees are important Christian religious symbols.

Art – To continue with observational drawings using a variety of shading pencils and draw the original entrance of Little Heath school.

Spellings for next week are:

Group 1 – they, on, she, is.

Group 2 – bridge, sledge, huge, huge, strange, change, badge.

Group 3 – porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

We look forward to seeing you at the Harvest festival on Friday our time is 9.30-10.00, the children have been practising very hard and are looking forward to singing to you.

Home learning - Maths activities to be carried out by 20th October

Addition and subtraction game

You will need two bowls filled with cubes or other small objects, paper and a pen.

How to play

This game can be played individually or as a speed game against another player.

Grab a handful of objects from each bowl, count how many in each pile and write out an addition or subtraction sentence (remind children that the largest number needs to go first if they are practising subtraction).

If playing against another player. Both players take a handful, then race each other to write out the addition/subtraction number sentence.



The children can choose any 2D or 3D shapes and write 5 statements about their shape.

Eg. My shape is 2D, it has … sides and it has ... faces etc

Please write about at least 5 shapes.

Have a great weekend

The Year 2 team