Wednesday, 21 December 2022

 Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Thank you all for our lovely gifts, it was extremely generous of you, we were very spoilt.

Over the Christmas period, I will send a brief outline of the topics we will be covering next year.

Please, if possible could the children complete the following in their workbooks:

English - The United Kingdom, Our solar system, Tiger troubles and sports.

Maths - Multiplying and dividing.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2023!

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 16 December 2022

 Wow, the children were absolutely amazing in their Christmas production on 'Prickly Hay'. They all thoroughly enjoyed singing the songs, well done everyone!

Please see below some photos taken of the children enjoying playing in the snow!

Next week, we will be finishing off all our topics and the children will have fun completing Christmas activities.  

Have a great weekend making the most of the snow!

From the Year 2 team.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022


I hope you are having fun in the snow!

The children have common exception words for Year 2 in their book bag. 

Please could the children learn these words over the Christmas holidays.

Thank you

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 9 December 2022

Christmas is definitely nearly here, lots of excited children and chilly days.

The children enjoyed their Christmas dinner and watching a film together.

The children have been very busy rehearsing for the Christmas performance. The children are really enjoying performing and singing and are very excited for you to come and see them next week.

Next week

English – to finish our winter calligrams.

Maths – understanding the difference when comparing numbers.

Science – discussing what materials would be best if creating a rocket.

Geography – discussing our local area.

Prickly Hay performance

Monday morning to the school.

Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon, they will be performing for yourselves.

Wednesday after the show, please come into the classroom and look at your child’s work books.

Thursday afternoon will be the KS1 party; children can bring in party clothes.

I will give spellings out to the children on Monday.

KS1 workbooks to be completed and returned please by Thursday.

Maths – Subtracting page 10 and multiplying page 11.

Comprehension – Making a bird feeder page 11 and The phoenix and the carpet page 12.

Have a fun weekend

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 2 December 2022

Hello everyone!

The children have had a fun week practising their lines and songs for the Christmas performance.

In English, the children created a calligram centred on winter and included exciting adjectives.

In maths, the children used cuisenaire rods, cherry and bar models to solve missing numbers using the inverse.

In science, the children discovered what John Dunlop invented.

Next week

English - to write a Christmas calligram.

Maths - problem solving using money.

In the afternoons the children will be rehearsing for their Christmas performance. On Tuesday you will be able to order your tickets for the performance on ‘Prickly Hay’.

Home learning

KS1 workbooks the follow pages to be completed and return to school by Thursday.

Maths - Adding page 8 and subtracting page 9.

Comprehension - Vinay's diary page 9 and Plum page 10.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – be, like, some, so.

Group 2 – one, won, hear, here, sun, son, be, bee, see, sea.

Group 3 – bear, bare, new, knew.

On Wednesday it is school Christmas Dinner, we are making this our Christmas Jumper Day as well to help add to the atmosphere of the occasion. We make this into a bit of an event by allowing the children to watch a film afterwards. Please do not forget to make your contribution towards ‘Save the Children’ which is the charity that Christmas Jumper Day supports.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 25 November 2022

Hello all!

We have had a fun week practising the lines for our Christmas show in our English lessons; the children are starting to build up pace and use expression.

In maths we completed numerous activities to find the nearest multiple to 10 and explain the difference.

In geography the children enjoyed learning about the features of the UK and they also research extra facts in ICT.

Next Week 

English – We will be creating a poem calligram centred on seasons. 

Maths – We will be identifying parts and whole numbers using Cuisenaire rods and cherry models, along with using inverse to find the missing numbers.  

During the afternoons, the children will be practising for their Christmas show.


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – went, was, said, are

Group 2 – race, ice, once, settle, site, city

Group 3 – circle, celery, cycle, Cinderella, face

Home learning

KS1 workbooks, the following pages to be completed and books returned please by Thursday.

Maths – Adding – pages 6 and 7.

Comprehension – Pippa’s star page 7 and Amy Johnson on page 8.


Have a great weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 18 November 2022

Happy Friday everyone!

The children have worked very hard this week, they have written an explanation on how a bicycle moves and in maths they have been problem solving using addition and subtracting and looking at number facts to 100.

The children were very creative with their colourful socks on odd sock day for anti-bullying week.

Next week

English – to practise for their Christmas performance

Maths – using doubles and near doubles, adding 1 and 2 digit numbers to think 10

RE – Christmas story

PSHE – reinforce how we work together, the children will create friendship tokens

D&T – evaluate their Christmas stockings

Geography – identify features and characteristics of the countries of the Uk

ICT – research countries of the Uk


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – there, this, have, put

Group 2 – jar, jacket, village, huge, badge, edge

Group 3 – giant, giraffe, language, shortage


KS1 workbooks, the following pages to be completed and returned by Thursday please.

Maths – Counting and ordering – page 5, Adding – page 6

Comprehension – Get well soon – page 5, The owl and the pussy-cat – page 6

Have a lovely weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 11 November 2022

Good afternoon to all,

This week in English the children learnt how to write an explanation text. We looked at a variety of texts and discussed the layout and present tense. The children created their own explanation text on how to work a pencil sharpener.

Next week, the children will write an explanation text showing the stages and process of riding a bicycle along with a labelled diagram and flow chart on how bicycles move.

 In maths, the children carried out various activities to develop a good understanding on place value and ordering numbers using coins, bead strings, 100 square and base 10.

Next week, the children will be rebalancing when subtracting 9 or 11 along with recapping number bonds using a variety of resources and measuring water for learning capacity. 

Geography - the children will identify features of the UK.

 RE – to continue learning about Hanukah.

D&T – throughout Tuesday morning the children will sew together their Christmas stocking, decorate and then evaluate their creation.

On Monday it is the start of Anti-Bullying Week and for the first day we are asking the children to come to school wearing odd schools to help celebrate how we are all different (the children must wear normal uniform apart from their socks).

On Friday it is ‘Children in Need’ day and to celebrate it being the ‘Great Spotacular’ the children are allowed to come to school in non-uniform as long as one of the items is spotty. We are asking for all the children to make a donation of at least £1 and you can do this by sending in cash with your children or by making a donation online to ‘Just Giving’ (the link was on the newsletter).

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – my, her, what, out.

Group 2 – wing, sting, thing, mother, climb, crumb.

Group 3 – mostly, motion, mirror.

KS1 workbooks, the following pages to be completed and returned by Thursday.

Maths – Counting and ordering – pages 3 and 4

Comprehension – Seasons and No teacher – pages 3 and 4

Have a lovely weekend,

From the Year 2 team


Friday, 4 November 2022

Hello to all!

This week in English the children learnt how to write a recount on when they had lost their favourite toy using adverbs of time.

Next week, we will research explanation text. We will look at a variety of texts and discuss the layout and present tense. The children will create their own explanation text on, how to work a pencil sharpener.

In maths the children carried out various activities to develop a good understanding on place value and ordering numbers using coins, bead strings, 100 square and base 10.

Next week, the children will place numbers on a number line in the correct position along with estimating. We will also solve sums adding more than 2 single digit numbers using reordering.

 Next week

Geography - the children will learn the counties and capital cities of the United Kingdom.

 Science – we will be looking at absorbent materials.

 RE – to learn about how Hanukah is celebrated.

 D&T – start to create a Christmas stocking puppet.

The children have in their book bags KS1 maths and comprehension books.

Please could the children complete the following pages only and return the books by Thursday so we can mark the questions together. (If your child finds this difficult please do not worry as we will go through the pages together to consolidate their learning).

Maths - number and place value pages 1 and 2.

Comprehension – How to grow a seed and Making lemonade.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – can, are, up, had

Group 2 – level, little, bottle, liquid, dial, detail.

Group 3 – impossible, rational, dental, pencil.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the fireworks display tomorrow.

From the year 2 team.


Friday, 21 October 2022

We made it – half term is here!

It was lovely to meet you all this week and discuss your child’s progress and how well the children have settled into Year 2.


We had some little visitors in our classroom during the week, which the children were all very excited about seeing. Thank you very much Mrs Cunningham for bringing in the very cute chicks and explaining to the children their life cycle.



Home learning

Following on the topic of puppets. I would like the children to create a moving puppet of their choice. We have looked at lots of different ideas. The children will discuss the materials they have used to the class.

Date for the puppets to be in by is 24th November 2022.

Next term, an insight of what we will be focusing on.

Maths – Handling data, calculating measuring and understanding shape along with knowing and using number facts.

English – Explanations, recount and calligrams.

Science – Materials.

Geography – Life in the city.

R.E. – Muslim prayer and action and festivals including Christmas.

D&T/Art – Creating Christmas stockings.

PSHE – Celebrating difference.

ICT – Communicating and collaborating online.

With the cold weather potentially coming soon, could you please make sure that any extra clothing that comes in (gloves, scarfs, hats, etc.) is clearly labelled.

Have a fantastic half term,

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 14 October 2022

Hello everyone,  we have had a very busy but fun week.

The children have worked extremely hard on their story centred on Rapunzel and created fantastic stories using their imagination and exciting adjectives.

In maths the children enjoyed using lots of different resources to solve their sums and they especially liked using the real coins.

Next week

English – to create their own version of Handa’s Surprise.

Maths – the children will be regrouping along with counting on and back.

Art – using charcoal to create an observational drawing on fruit.

RE – to finish our topic on the meanings of religious symbols.

PSHE – it is Equalities week and the children will complete numerous activities.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – for, at, his, but

Group 2 – climb, cane, kite, chick, choose, chalk

Group 3 – Christmas, queue, ache, question

Reminder on Friday we are celebrating the anti-racism movement. It is non-uniform day but the children must wear at least one item that is red in exchange for doing this we would like the children to bring a donation of at least a pound for the charity. The children can either make the donation in cash and bring it into school or you can make the donation on your child’s Arbor portal. 


Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 7 October 2022

Good afternoon,

Lovely to see you so many of you at the Harvest Coffee morning, the children sang their songs beautifully.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time at the British Museum in Hitchin.
The children were extremely well behaved and enjoyed the role play acting as Victorian children.
Please see photos taken below.

Next week

English – The children will continue to plan and create their own traditional tale, including adjectives, exclamation marks and a repeated sentence.

Maths – To identify place value.

Science – Testing materials for use of a coat.

History – To produce a recount on our class trip.

ICT – To develop familiarity with the computer and keyboard.

PSHE – To be a good listener and care about other people’s feelings.

RE – To research why light is important in the Jewish, Hindu and Christian religion.

Art – To use a variety of shading pencils to create different tones, patterns and textures.

Spellings for next week are:

Group 1 – they, on, she, is.

Group 2 – bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change

Group 3 – porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.