Happy sunny Friday!
WOW! the children preform amazing this morning in the class assembly, I'm sure you would agree. They were very excited and their voices were strong and clear, I hope you enjoyed the songs. The children have been singing them all week, I think they may have been also practising them at home!
Please see below a few photos taken, when the children built and hid their bug hotels within the wildlife area.
English - to create an explanation text on an 'owners guide'.
Maths - to learn symmetry and patterns in shapes.
Science - to carry out a minibeast survey
History - to find out about Florence Nightingale's later life.
Art - to build a sculpture using clay
RE - to discuss and learn, Who made the world?
Please remember KS1 sports day is on Thursday at 9.15am.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - that, with, all, we
Group 2 - core, door, saucer, saw, born, straw
Group 3 - store, flooring, shawl, yawn, haunted
Our workshop for Florence Nightingale is on Tuesday 28th June, please email me if you are able to volunteer during the morning, afternoon or both. Thank you.
Wishing you a sunny and fun weekend
From the Year 2 team.