Friday, 17 June 2022

Happy sunny Friday! 

WOW!  the children preform amazing this morning in the class assembly, I'm sure you would agree. They were very excited and their voices were strong and clear, I hope you enjoyed the songs. The children have been singing them all week, I think they may have been also practising them at home!

Please see below a few photos taken, when the children built and hid their bug hotels within the wildlife area.

Next week

English - to create an explanation text on an 'owners guide'.

Maths - to learn symmetry and patterns in shapes.

Science - to carry out a minibeast survey 

History - to find out about Florence Nightingale's later life.

Art - to build a sculpture using clay

RE - to discuss and learn, Who made the world?

Please remember KS1 sports day is on Thursday at 9.15am.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - that, with, all, we

Group 2 - core, door, saucer, saw, born, straw

Group 3 - store, flooring, shawl, yawn, haunted

Our workshop for Florence Nightingale is on Tuesday 28th June, please email me if you are able to volunteer during the morning, afternoon or both. Thank you.

Wishing you a sunny and fun weekend

From the Year 2 team.