Friday, 24 June 2022

Hello everyone, 

The children have had a very busy week, it's flown by!

In English, the children created their own explanation text, centred on their chosen monster.

Next week, the children will start our topic on myths. We will discuss the meaning of myths and read the story of ‘The Boy with Wings’.

In maths, the children enjoyed linking symmetry to halving and created their own symmetrical patterns and shapes.

Next week, the children will use repeated addition and subtraction to solve maths problems.

 In science, the children identified and named the mini-beasts and recorded the information in a pictograph.

Next week, the children will use this information and create a graph in ICT.

In RE we discussed who made the world and we will continue this topic next week.

In PSHE, this week we have looked at life cycles and the stages of childhood.

Next week, we will be discussing the difference between girls and boys bodies. The children will learn the correct vocabulary for the body parts. If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson, please let me know and I can arrange for an alternative activity to be put in place.

In art, the children enjoyed re-creating using clay the ‘Great Wave’ by the Japanese artist Hokusai.

Next week, the children will create a print picture.

On Tuesday, we have our Florence Nightingale workshop. The children can dress up and use their costumes from the Great Fire of London experience. Thank you to the volunteers, please could you be at school for 9am briefing. Morning session is 9-12 and afternoon session is 1.15 – 2.50pm.

Girls’ costume – long dress or skirt with a blouse, white smock/apron, mob cap and shawl.

Boys’ costume – school trousers tucked into long socks, shirt, waistcoat and cap if they have one.

I look forward to seeing you all at parent consultations, to discuss your child’s amazing progress on either Wednesday morning or Thursday evening.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – there, have, like, were.

Group 2 –social, recall, animal, parcel, label, coral.

Group 3 – useful, hospital, material, surgical.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.