Friday, 20 December 2024

Happy Christmas everyone!!

Thank you everyone for your very generous gifts, it was extremely kind of you.

We have had an extremely busy week, full of fun activities and especially the children's performance of Angel Express it was absolutely amazing. They all thoroughly enjoyed singing the songs, well done everyone!

Please see below pictures taken from the weeks jollities.

We wish you all a fantastic Christmas and we look forward to seeing the children back

on Tuesday 7th January.

Thank you again

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 13 December 2024

Happy Friday!


We have had a very busy week and a fun packed day today. The children enjoyed their Christmas dinner followed by a movie with the whole school. Please see photos taken below-

Next week

Monday morning is sharing assembly followed by our Christmas performance to the school.  During the morning and afternoon the children will complete their nonfiction report on ‘Wolves’.

Tuesday morning is our Christmas performance to the parents on ‘Angel Express’. In the afternoon it is our KS1 Christmas party. Children can bring in party clothes to change into after lunch.

Wednesday, the children will be performing their Christmas show on ‘Angel Express’ in the afternoon and after the show it is open afternoon to come into class and look at your child’s work books.

Thursday the children will complete Christmas activities along with a Christmas maths challenge working in small groups.

Friday – reminder we finish at 1.15pm.

Wishing you a fun weekend

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 6 December 2024

Happy Friday everyone!

The children have enjoyed learning the edges, vertices and sides of 2D shapes and drawing symmetrical pictures.

 Next week we will look at the edges, vertices and sides of 3D shapes.

In English, the children learnt the difference between fiction and non-fiction books relating to wolves and they created some very good adjectives to describe wolves.

Next week, the children will continue to research wolves and they will create detailed sentences along with planning a non-chronological report using a spider diagram.

This week the children completed their topic on materials in Science and we consolidated their knowledge learnt by discussing the properties of various objects.

Please could the children bring in their clothes for the Christmas performance on ‘Angel Express’ as we would like to do a dress rehearsal next week.


Friday is Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. In the afternoon, the children will watch a movie.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – one, two, tail, eyes, nose

Group 2 – baby, babies, try, tries, move, moves, donkey, donkeys, fox, foxes, wolf, wolves

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle

Monday, 2 December 2024

Good morning,

Please see below the spellings for Friday-

Group 1 - so, with, but, be.

Group 2 - because, class, cold, could, eye, fast, many, most, steak, sure.

Thank you

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 29 November 2024

Wow, it’s Friday again!

We have had a busy, fun week rehearsing for the Christmas performance, the children have been practising their lines and songs during their English lessons.

Next week, our English lessons will be centred on the story Wolves by Emma Gravett. We will start the topic identifying features from a variety of fiction and non-fiction books.

In maths, the children have been enjoying learning the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We will continue looking at shapes next week along with making patterns and using lines of symmetry.

The children have enjoyed using the IPads to take photographs around the classroom. They have been taught how to edit, delete and change the photograph from landscape to portrait.

In geography, the children finished the topic on, where they would prefer to live in a hot or cold place. We have researched numerous countries of which the majority of the class chose a hot country!

During the afternoons next week, we will be practising for our Christmas performance on ‘Angels Express’.


Friday will be non-uniform day, children are to bring in food for our class picnic hamper which will be raffled on the 6th December.

I will post the spellings on the blog for next Friday, once I have received them from our new spelling scheme.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 22 November 2024

Happy Friday everyone!

In English, the children have worked extremely hard on their story which was from Goldilocks’s point of view.

In maths, the children have been solving addition and subtraction calculations using base 10 equipment, cherry and bar models.

Next week

English – the children will practising for their Christmas performance.

Maths – we will start our new topic on shapes, looking at 2D and 3D shapes

PSHE – reinforce how we work together, the children will create friendship tokens

D&T – to decorate their Christmas stockings – children can bring in items to decorate their Christmas stocking if they wish to.

Geography – we will find out what life is like in a hot place, investigate the local weather conditions and identify features of hot and cold places.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – of, but, this, went, to.

Group 2 – cottage, house, bowls, suddenly, very, every, woods, baby, first, after, then, finally.

Have a lovely weekend

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 15 November 2024

Happy sunny Friday!

The children looked great today in their Children in Need costumes.

They have enjoyed solving maths clues and sewing their Christmas stockings together.

In English, the children enjoyed role playing the story of Goldilocks and wrote an apology letter to the three bears which included apostrophes, adjectives and an exclamation mark.

Next week, we will compare different versions of Goldilocks and discuss their feelings and the events of the stories.

In maths, the children used different methods to solve addition and subtraction calculations.

Next week, we will continue to solve addition and subtraction problems and compare number sentences using different methods and resources.

Next week

Geography – to learn where is the equator?

 Science – what materials do you need to build a rocket?

 RE – to continue to learn about how Hanukah is celebrated.

PSHE – Parliament week, to discuss, what is democracy?

ICT - digital photography

 D&T – to continue to sew together the Christmas stockings

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – can, are, what, out, up

Group 2 – all, ball, call, walk, talk, always, small, wall, fall, altogether

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 8 November 2024

Hello to all!

This week in English the children have enjoyed learning and role playing the story of Goldilocks and the three bears along with sequencing the story.

Next week, the children will write different openers to sentences and create an apology letter from Goldilocks to the three bears.

In maths, the children carried out various activities to develop a good understanding on adding 10s using 2-digit numbers.

Next week, the children will solve calculations subtracting 2 single digit numbers using 10s.

 Next week

Geography – to research where are the coldest places on Earth.

 Science – we will be looking at sculptures and the materials used.

 RE – to learn about how Hanukah is celebrated.

PSHE - anti-bullying week. Please remember Tuesday will be odd sock day.

ICT - digital photography looking at landscape and portrait pictures.

 D&T – to start to design a Christmas stocking puppet.

Home learning

Following on the topic of puppets. I would like the children to create a moving puppet of their choice. The children are very excited to create their Christmas stocking in school and had some very imaginative ideas. I look forward to seeing their moving puppet and for the children to discuss their character and materials they have used to the class.

Date for the puppets to be in by please is the Friday 13th December 2024.

We are following a new spelling resource so it has changed slightly, we now have 2 groups:

Group 1 – child, bath, every, father

Group 2 – can not, can’t, do not, don’t, does not, doesn’t, shall not. shan’t, it is, it’s.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle




Friday, 25 October 2024

Happy half term everyone! 

It was great to see so many of you at parent consultations this week.

The children have settled extremely well into the routine and expectations of Year 2, I am sure like me you are very proud of their progress. 

Please see below an insight of the topics we will be covering next term.

English – the children will be comparing three different versions of Goldilocks, identifying the adjectives to describe the character of Goldilocks, create a wanted poster and sequence the original story.

Maths – the topics are addition and subtraction along with 2D and 3D shapes.

Science - We will continue our topic on the uses of everyday materials and we will start with exploring transparency and opaque, along with discussing natural and manmade materials and researching famous inventors.

Geography - Our topic is 'Would you like to live in a hot or cold place? Our first lesson will be learning, Where are the continents?

PSHE - The topic is 'Celebrating differences'.

RE - We will be learning about Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

D&T - The topic is on creating 'Hand Puppets', the children will create a Christmas stocking.

ICT – Digital photography.

Have a fun and relaxing half term and I look forward to seeing you at the fireworks on Saturday 2nd November.

Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Alimadadi

Friday, 18 October 2024

Hello to everyone,

The children have worked extremely hard in all their subjects, well done. They especially enjoyed role playing the story of Handa’s surprise.

Next week

English – to write a different version of Handa’s Surprise, including expanded nouns, adjectives and conjunctions.

Maths – solving calculations using different methods on add and subtract across to 10.

Art – using charcoal to create an observational drawing on fruit.

RE – to finish our topic on the meanings of religious symbols.

PSHE – discussing how to work well with others to work cooperatively and help others to learn.

It has been drawn to my attention that a few children are bringing in squash instead of water to school. Please can you ensure only water is brought in to drink throughout the day, thank you.

Spellings - We are looking at the common exception words which the children will practice daily within the classroom. You can find these on the tab at the top under Year 2 common words on the second column – even to improve.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team.


Friday, 11 October 2024

Happy sunny Friday!

We have had a very busy but fun week.

The children have worked extremely hard on their story centred on Rapunzel and created fantastic stories using their imagination and exciting adjectives.

In maths, the children enjoyed using lots of different resources to solve their sums, we have been looking at patterns in number bonds up to 20.

Next week

English – to participate in discussion on the story Handa’s Surprise, the children will write descriptive sentences including connectives.

Maths – solving calculations adding and subtracting using 1s, add three 1 digit numbers and number bonds to 100.

History – to describe a Victorian classroom.

Science – to create a waterproof painting.

Reminder re - Home Learning is due in by 21st Octoberto write about your favourite reading book. 

Please include the following: the title and the author of your book. What is the book about? What is your favourite part of the story and why? Did you enjoy the ending? If not what ending would you write instead and draw a picture. 

Our spellings for next week, we are looking at the common exception words which the children will practice daily within the classroom. You can find these on the tab at the top under Year 2 common words and we are starting on the first column - door to everybody.

Have a fun weekend,

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 4 October 2024

 Good afternoon,

I am sure you will agree what a lovely start to the day it was today, the children sang beautifully and it was great to see so many of you at the Harvest Coffee morning.

Next week

English – the children will continue to plan in detail their ending of their story. The children will write descriptive sentences and include connectives.

Maths – the children will solve calculations using addition and subtraction numbers within 20 and solve calculations using 3s.

PSHE – we will discuss rules and responsibilities.

History – the children will draw the old entrance of Little Heath School.

Science – to learn about the inventor Charles Macintosh.

Art – to draw using their new shading skills different shells for our art display.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1: for, at, his, but.

Group 2: find, mind, kind, behind, wild, child.

Group 3: climb, chalk, cane, chair.

Wishing everyone a sunny weekend.

Mrs Beadle, Mrs Alimadadi and Miss Russon

Friday, 27 September 2024

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel, they also compared the original story to the modern version using adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Next week, the children will re-create their own version of the ending of Rapunzel and include conjunctions, adjectives and verbs.

 In maths, the children solved numerous calculations using base 10 looking at 10s and 1s and placed various numbers on the number line.

Next week, the children will be ordering and comparing numbers along with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Next week


The children will carryout an experiment to understand what materials would be suitable for a waterproof raincoat.


We will continue to discuss the history of our school looking at the school log books dating back over 100 years!


The children will create an observational drawing on shells.


The children will explore the Christian religious symbols.

0ur annual book fair will be held after school on Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th, Monday 7th, and Tuesday 8th of October. We hope you and your children will come along and enjoy exploring some great books!

Friday is Harvest Festival and we look forward to seeing you all, timings for our class will be in the newsletter.

Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: they, on, she, is.

Group 2: bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change.

Group 3: porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

I have updated your child’s Year group on Numbots and the children have put them in their book bag to complete the fun maths activities.

 Have a great weekend and I hope the weather improves!

The Year 2 team