Friday, 18 December 2020

Thank you all very much for your generous gifts, it was extremely kind of you all.
Wishing everyone a safe, happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.

Happy Elf Day
From the Year 2 team.

PS. Your children have spellings in their book bags to learn over the Christmas period, please keep up the reading and continue to complete 1 hour a week on mathseeds or mathletics.


Wednesday, 16 December 2020

 Good evening,

Please see below the children's Christmas videos of 'Rocking around the Christmas Tree'.

They had a great time practising their dance moves and I'm sure they will put them to good use at home over the Christmas period!

Friday, 11 December 2020

 Good afternoon,

We have had a busy productive week finishing off all our topics.

The children had great fun today as you can see below having their Christmas dinner, watching a film and singing/dancing in the classroom. 

Next week we will be carrying out lots of Christmas activities along with with finishing sewing our hand puppets which the children will decorate, evaluate and create a short story including their finger puppets.

Monday afternoon is our class party and children can bring in clothes to change into after lunch.

Friday is elf day, the children can dress up as an elf.

Wishing you a great week,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Hello to all!

Thank you for all your generous gifts for the PTA Christmas hamper. Good luck everyone in the raffle, our hamper will be full of delicious treats.

We have had a busy week and the children have worked very hard.

Next week

English – continue our topic on poetry. The children will create a list and calligram poem.

Maths – solve problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including change.

Science – discuss what materials are required to build a spaceship.

D&T – finish sewing and creating hand puppets.

RE – Christmas

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – be, like, some, so.

Group 2 – one, won, hear, here, sun, son, be, bee, see, sea.

Group 3 – bear, bare, new, knew.

Reminder, Friday is Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner in the classroom.

Have a fun weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 27 November 2020

 Hello to all!

The children have enjoyed sharing their brilliant puppets with the class and discussing the different materials which they used. 

Please see below the following upcoming events:

Friday 4th - Mufti day, please can the children bring in something for the PTA hamper.

Friday 11th - Christmas jumper day and it is also Christmas dinner at lunchtime.

Monday 14th - Year 2 Christmas party, party clothes can be brought for the children to change into in the afternoon.

Friday 18th - Elf day, dress as an elf. School finished at 2pm.

Next week

English - Poetry, the children will create a list poem.

Maths - Problem solving, the children will find part and whole numbers.

Geography - To explore symbols and patterns used to create maps.

D&T - Puppets

RE - Hanukkah

Science - Changing state solid, liquid, solid.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - went, was, said.

Group 2 - race, ice, city, face, site, settle.

Group 3 - circle, celery, cycle, Cinderella.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020


I have created a new assignment on our learning platform Teams, asking the children to respond back with their favourite food.

Please follow the crib sheet accordingly and hand it in by 30th November.

Thank you

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 20 November 2020

 Good afternoon to all.

The children enjoyed wearing odd socks on Monday for anti-bullying week.

In English, the children described Dave's feelings  from the story of 'Dogger' along with learning adverb of time to use in next weeks lessons.

In maths, the children learnt to add three numbers together to total 100, using different resources.

Next week

English - children will create a personal recount using adverbs of time.

Maths - completing activities using doubles and problem solving finding the nearest multiple of 10.

Science - we will walk around the school grounds to collect natural materials to create a collage.

Geography - to learn the human and physical features of Edinburgh.

RE - to discuss the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

Art - to create a winter scene using pastels.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 - there, this, have.

Group 2 - jar, jacket, village, huge, badge, giant.

Group 3 - edge, shortage, giraffe.

Enjoy your weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 13 November 2020

 Good afternoon to all,

The children looked amazing today for Children in Need, it was lovely to see everyone so spotty. Thank you very much for all your donations.

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday the theme is Odd Sock Day. Please send your children in school wearing school uniform but with odd socks.

Thank you very much for returning the work through our new online learning platform. I have set a new task for this weekend: for the children to write back with their favourite colour. Please follow exactly the exact information on the crib sheet and return to me by Monday.

Next week

English - to write a recount centred on the story 'Dogger'.

Maths - securing number bonds to 10 and 20 and recognising numbers to 100.

Science - to find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed.

Geography - explore the human and physical features in different cities.

PSHE - Anti-Bullying

RE - Diwali

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - my, her, what, out.

Group 2 - wing, sting, thing, mother, climb, crumb.

Group 3 - mostly, motion, mirror.

Have a great weekend, stay safe.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 6 November 2020

 I hope you all had a great half term!

In English, the children learnt how to write an explanation text. We looked at a variety of texts and discussed the layout and present tense. The children created their own explanation text on how to work a pencil sharpener.

Next week, the children will write an explanation text showing the stages and process of riding a bicycle along with a labelled diagram and flow chart on how bicycles move.

In maths the children learnt to sequence numbers and they practised finding numbers on the hundred square.

Next week, the children will place numbers on a blank number line along with solving problems with addition and subtraction using reordering.

In geography the children learnt what a city is and identified some major capital cities around the world.

Next week they will explore the features of a city.

In science the children enjoy learning about different materials which they found in the classroom.

Next week the children will identify, compare and explore the suitability of everyday materials.

In RE, we will discuss the celebration of Diwali.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1: can, are, up, had.

Group 2: level, little, bottle, liquid, dial, detail.

Group 3: impossible, rational, dental, pencil.

This week in class I have taught the class how to use Microsoft Teams - this is an online learning platform. The children have been given their own emails and passwords to log onto Teams. We will be using this platform should we need to work from home as per the guidance given by the DFE. I have set up a small task for your child to write a sentence about what they did over the weekend.

You should have been sent a step-by-step guide how on how to use Microsoft Teams and we will be producing a video showing you exactly how to navigate the programme which will be on our blog. Please do not change your child’s password.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.





Friday, 23 October 2020

 Hello, we made it - half term is here!

It was great to speak to so many of you at parent consultations on Monday.
The children have settled extremely well into the routine and expectations of Year 2, I'm sure like me, you are very proud of their progress.

This week the children enjoyed the story of 'Anancy and Mr Dry Bone and learning about Mary Seacole. 

In maths, they challenged themselves and completed problem solving sums by answering in different representations.

Please see below an outline of the topics we will be covering next term.

English - We will be discussing the difference between instruction and explanation. The children will be writing their own explanations.

Maths - We will be adding and subtracting 2 and 3 one digit numbers along with measuring using different scales.

Science - We will start our topic on uses of everyday materials.

Geography - We will start our topic on 'Life in a city' and start with exploring major capital cities around the world.

PSHE - We will be start the topic on 'Celebrating differences'.

RE - We will be learning about the festivals of Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

D&T - We will be starting our topic on creating 'Hand Puppets'.

Please remember to bring back full P.E  kits.

Home learning

Following on the topic of puppets next term. I would like the children to create a small moving puppet of their choice. We have looked at lots of different ideas. The children will discuss their character and materials they have used to the class.

Date for the puppets to be in by is Monday 7th December.

 Please could your children also complete at least 1hour over half term on mathseeds or mathletics and reading eggs.

 Wishing you all a restful, fun half-term.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Good afternoon to all.

This week the children have worked very hard creating their own traditional tales which they are very proud of and enjoyed sharing with the class.

In maths, the children completed numerous sums regrouping to tens with addition and subtraction using the tens frames and coins.

Next week

English- the children will learn about the story of ‘Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone’ they will be involved in lots of discussion and will create a list of the characters including adjectives.

Maths- the children will be regrouping 2-digit numbers using different representations.

History – the children will be learning about Mary Seacole and will write some interesting facts.

RE- we will discuss why water, light and tree are an important symbol in the Hindu religion.

Science- the children will draw and label the parts of a tree and research different types of trees.

PSHE – the children will create a class charter.

Art – the children will draw Mary Seacole using their shading skills.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – that, with, all, we.

Group 2 – can, nail, neck, find, into, another.

Group 3 – gnome, many, own, know.

Please could the children also complete at least 20 minutes of mathseeds or mathletics.

I am looking forward to the telephone Parent-teacher consultations on Monday the 19th of October. If you haven't booked your slot yet, please remember to book one. If you are unable to talk to me on the day, please email me so we can arrange an alternative date.

Enjoy the weekend!

From theYear 2 team.

Friday, 9 October 2020

 Good afternoon, we have had another week with some fantastic learning.

 In English, the children used their imagination and planned their story including adjectives, apostrophes, exclamation and question marks.

In maths, the children carried out numerous activities learning to regroup to 10 addition and subtraction. They particularly enjoyed solving their sums with the tens frame and counters.

 In science, the children learnt the functions of a plant and created a detailed labelled flower along with a brief explanation of each part.

 Next week

English – the children will write their own traditional tale ensuring they have included a variety of punctuation and a repeated phrase.

 Maths - the children will generate their own 2-digit and 3-digit numbers, identifying place value using base 10 and coins.

 Science – the children will collect a variety of leaves from the school field which we will discuss and classify.

 History – we will role play what teaching was like in the past and create a timeline.

 RE – the children will continue learning about Judaism symbols.

 PSHE – we will be discussing rewards which will include always being proud of your work.

 ICT – the children will practise mathseeds and mathletics using the iPads.

 Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – for, at, his, but

Group 2 – climb, cane, kite, chick, choose, chalk.

Group 3 – Christmas, queue, ache, question.

Have a great weekend,

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 2 October 2020

 Hello to all, the children have been working very hard again this week. They enjoyed their art lesson and produced a very good detailed observational drawing, well done to all.

In English, we read The Gingerbread Man and discussed the punctuation used and sequenced the story. We collectively looked at apostrophes, exclamation marks, question marks, connectives and adjectives.

In maths, the children enjoyed solving problems using tens frame, cards, cherry model and learning the inequality signs.

Next week

English – The children will plan and create their own traditional tale, including adjectives, exclamation marks and a repeated sentence.

Maths – Continue to recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, using a variety of resources.

Science – The children will draw and label the parts of a plant.

History – The children will write sentences comparing schools in Victorian times.

ICT – To complete mathseeds and mathletics activities.

PSHE – To be a good listener and care about other people’s feelings.

RE – To research why light, water and trees are important Jewish religious symbols.

Art – To continue with observational drawings using a variety of shading pencils and a magnify glass to help include more detail.

Spellings for next week are:

Group 1 – they, on, she, is.

Group 2 – bridge, sledge, huge, nudge, strange, change

Group 3 – phrase, apostrophe, fluffy.

(Children can challenge themselves to learn all spellings or group 2 and 1 or group 1).

I hope the weather cheers up - have a good weekend.

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 25 September 2020

Good afternoon Year 2.

We have had another very busy productive week in Year 2 and the time has flown by! The children all looked very smart today for their individual school photos.

In English the children enjoyed the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' they discussed the characters in detail using adjectives and wrote a character description.

In maths the children completed numerous problem-solving questions using arrays along with grouping and regrouping.

Next week

English - The traditional tale we will focus on is 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children will participate in discussion and collectively create a story board. They will role play the story in small groups modelling the vocabulary and repeated phrases. The children will write descriptive sentences and include a connective.

Maths – We will start our place value topic. Securing fluency to 20, regrouping, subtraction and place value. The children will be using number lines and the tens frame.

 RE - We will continue our lesson from last week on Christianity and the children will write in full sentences the meaning of the symbols including tree, water and light.

Art - The children will create an observational drawing.

 PSHE - The focus will be to work well and help others cooperatively.

 Science – The children will identify and name deciduous and evergreen trees.

History – The children will compare the school to Victorian times.


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – of, it, was, you.

Group 2 – poor, floor, door, fine, mine, behind.


Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 18 September 2020

 Hello all, 

It has been a very busy and fun week. The children enjoyed reading and discussing the characters along with their features from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.

 In maths the children learnt the part whole bar model and arrays to solve one step problems involving multiplication and division.

Next week


The children will read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They will discuss how the story could end differently and write a character description.


We will continue our topic on multiplication and division, the children will solve numerous maths problems using different methods and resources.


The children will identify and name a variety of common wildflowers.


The children will write up their facts discussed last week on the history of Little Heath school.


We will continue our lesson from last week on Christianity and the children will write in full sentences the meaning of the symbols including water and light.


The children will draw the original entrance to the school using their shading skills taught from last week.


The focus will be to work well and help others cooperatively.


The children will be learning the keyboard and using word.


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1: said, in, he, I.

Group 2: bear, bare, whole, hole, allowed, aloud, boy, buoy.

 Reminder on Friday morning your children will be having their individual photographs taken.

 Have a fun weekend and enjoy the sun, whilst it is still here!

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 11 September 2020

 Good afternoon, the children have settled very quickly into the routine of the classroom.


Please see below a brief insight of the topics and plans for this half term.



We will be learning about traditional tales. The children will be reading the stories, sequencing events, carrying out comprehension activities and writing their own stories. They will be interviewing characters from the stories so that they are able to discover how they feel and why they acted the way they did. We will use role play to tell stories and re-write story endings.



This week we have been sharing in equal and unequal groups. Next week we will begin multiplication. The children will learn the language of multiplication, that it is repeated addition and will calculate answers using concrete objects.

This will be followed by problem solving by using multiplication. We will be exploring scaling and patterns. Towards the end of this half-term the children will begin learning how to tell the time.



Our science topic is plants, which means we can carry out lots of field work outside. The children will be planting beans and keeping diaries of their growth and development. We will be identifying wild and cultivated plants and flowers. The field trips will help us to identify trees. The children will learn to label the parts of a plant and tree. They will learn about the condition’s plants need to enable them to thrive and grow.



 Our topic is the history of the school. We will read some old logbooks we have dating back to 1897 and compare the school to Victorian times.



Observational drawings.



Being me in my world. We will discuss children’s hopes and fears, recognise when they are worried and know who to ask for help along with how to work with others cooperatively and help others to learn.



Develop familiarity with computer and keyboard.



Expressing religious meaning. We will look at why light, water and a tree are an important religious symbol.


Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – the, and, a, to.

Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, flour, flower, be, bee.


Wishing you all a great sunny weekend.

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 4 September 2020

Hello and welcome Year 2! The children have been amazing and are settling in extremely well. Next week, our lessons will be centred on a painting by Gauguin of 'The road to Tahiti'. The children will discuss and research the painting in detail and write their own story. In maths, the children will be solving problems involving multiplication and division by using objects, pictorial representations and arrays. The children have all received a reading book today. We have listened to your child read but only for a short time. Therefore, if you feel the level is too easy or difficult, please let me know accordingly. I will write a brief insight of the topics to be covered during the term along with starting spellings on next week's blog. Wishing you a relaxing weekend, Mrs Beadle

Friday, 17 July 2020

Hello Year 2,

It feels very strange to be writing this final blog for the year!

Having the children back in school this week has been brilliant.
The children were as excited as the teachers to all catch up again. The children are one big team and always support each other, work and play together and it is truly lovely to watch and to have been part of.

We wish to thank everyone for your very generous gifts and kind words to all the Year 2 team.
It has been a strange few months for everyone, hopefully normality is in sight!

Wishing you a fun and wonderful summer and I have told the children to pop in and see me anytime which I hope they do.
Take care, stay safe and I will see them in September around the school.
Happy holidays,
Mrs Beadle, Miss Southwell and Mrs Blatch

Friday, 10 July 2020

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a great week and enjoyed the project on The Rainforest, I have received pictures of some amazing creations, very well done!

I am very much looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, it will be wonderful to all see each other again.

Wishing you all a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Mrs Beadle's goodbye video

Please see the link below my goodbye video and I look forward to seeing most of you on Monday!

You have been a pleasure to teach and I know you will do brilliantly in your future years in Little Heath and beyond.

Have an amazing summer and remember always pop in, to see me :) 

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 3 July 2020

Good afternoon Year 2 and Happy Friday to you all. I hope you are enjoying the Rainforest topic; I have received some great poems and stories you have written of an animal that has lost its mother which I have shared with Year One. Next week, you will need a shoe box or cardboard box to create your own Rainforest and I look forward to seeing all your wonderful creations either on our zoom meeting or please email a picture over to me. I am looking forward to our next zoom call on Wednesday afternoon and I will be sending out the details of this early on next week. I hope you are enjoying the pre-recorded lessons and I have included more videos on the class pages. Wishing you a fun weekend and I hope the sun returns! Take care Mrs Beadle

Friday, 26 June 2020

Hello all,

It was lovely to see the children during our zoom meeting and hear what they have been up to. They really seem to have enjoyed the project on ‘Animals and their Habitat’, I have received some very creative work and great poems, well done.

The next project is also linked to animals as the children will be learning about 'The Rainforest'. I have planned lots of creative activities centred on this new project which I hope the children will enjoy.

Please continue to email me pictures of your child’s work and look on the class pages for a maths and English pre-recorded lesson.

Have a great weekend, hopefully it is a sunny one!
Mrs Beadle

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Hello Year 2, I hope you are all keeping well.

You will notice that the work is laid out slightly differently on the class pages next week. This is because I have included pre-recorded videos. One is on a rhyming poem centred around our project and the second is examples of methods you could use to solve your maths problems set on the online lessons. If you have any problems accessing these please let me know. Hopefully you find this helpful for the learning next week.

Please also note that I have included spellings on the class page.

I look forward to catching up with those of you at home on Wednesday afternoon, I will email the invites later.

Have a safe and happy weekend.
Mrs Beadle

Monday, 15 June 2020


It has been drawn to my attention that the link on bbc bitesize is not working, here is the new link for habitats and the environment:

Take care
Mrs Beadle
Hello everyone in Year 2!

I hope you're all keeping well. I enjoyed seeing you on zoom and seeing how much you have been learning, well done.

I hope you enjoy the new project on 'Animals and their Habitats'.

If you have an questions  or concerns, please contact me.

Take care
Mrs Beadle

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Good afternoon,
Following on from my blog Friday,
I can confirm that zoom meetings will take place every other week and our slot is Wednesday afternoons.
I will send out invitations tomorrow to confirm times.
Enjoy your Sunday,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 5 June 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the learning project on countries and cities. It has been lovely to see some of your work. Don't forget if there are any queries about the work that I have set, please let me know.

Yesterday I had confirmation that zoom meetings can commence from next week. I will confirm dates and times when I have that information. The meetings will be every other week, beginning next week. The children who are in the school I will do them separately, within school. I am aware that a couple of classes did a zoom catch up this week, I can only apologise for not doing one, but we were told that there would be no zoom meetings this week.

I look forward to seeing you at the zoom meetings and please have your amazing work ready to show me.

I hope the sun comes back again soon and that you all have a restful and happy weekend.
Stay safe
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 22 May 2020

Hello to everyone,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine, this weather definitely helps to lift our spirits up.

I have included a website from the Woodland trust as it has lots of outdoor activities which I think the children will enjoy, especially as the weather for next week looks good.

Wishing you a fun half term and take care,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 15 May 2020

Hello, Year 2!

It was great to see so many of you on the zoom meeting Wednesday afternoon; I feel having smaller groups was better so that everyone can talk and discuss what they have been doing, if they want to and show their amazing creative work. I will carryout another zoom meeting this Wednesday afternoon and email you the details on Sunday.

I hope you are enjoying the Florence Nightingale project; this will continue into next week’s learning. If you have nearly finished, I would like you to discover another special nurse called Mary Seacole who you might like to research. On the learning page will be a power point and websites to assist with this along with some activities.

Please all continue to keep safe and well, have a lovely weekend the weather seems to be improving again😊
Mrs Beadle

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.

It was lovely seeing everyone on our zoom catch up on Thursday.

Next week, we will be having another catch up meeting on Zoom, but this time, I will do smaller groups of 6. The meeting will be up to 15 minutes and so everyone will have more of an opportunity to speak if you would like to. It will be some time on Wednesday afternoon and I will email you the details giving the exact time of your group early next week.

When you look at the class page on Monday, you will see next week is slightly different as we are linking our English, history and art learning into a project. You still have your daily maths tasks to complete and please also login to Mathseeds or Mathletics and complete some activities.

Below is another story of The Princess and the Pea. I hope you enjoy the story and I have a couple of ideas you may like to do in relation to the story.
  • Create a storyboard
  • Write your own short story changing the pea to another object or changing the hiding place
  • Design a wedding dress for the Princess
Have a great sunny weekend, take care and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 1 May 2020

Hello everyone in Year 2, I hope you are all well.

It has been lovely receiving your emails showing me your fabulous work. It has also been great to see some of you whilst walking Max and hearing how you are enjoying the work set, especially learning about Florence Nightingale.

Please do not worry if you are finding it difficult to complete all the work, being healthy and having fun are the  most important things during this strange time.

Below is a story I have read to yourselves to watch and I chose this particular book as I know it is one of your favourites. I hope you enjoy listening to it and at the end I have set a little activity to draw your own picture of a terrible woodland creature.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the sun returns very soon!

Take care everyone
Mrs Beadle

Monday, 27 April 2020

Good afternoon all, I hope you and your family are well.

I just wanted to let you know I am always here if you need anything, especially during these difficult times.

I hope your children are enjoying the home learning activities. If you have any questions or if there is anything you would like me to include in the home learning, please do not hesitate to let me know.

I hope you enjoyed watching our school staff video.

If anyone passes School Road you may see the rainbow made from paper chains,
I created with Julia, Naomi and Daniel.

I have just received this amazing photo of everyone in Year 2 with happy, smiling faces.
It's great to see you all having fun.

Please take care and stay safe,
Mrs Beadle

Monday, 6 April 2020

Hello Year 2,

Thank you so much for your wonderful video, the addition of the toilet roll was very creative!
You all look very happy and you put a big smile on my face, it was so nice to see you all again enjoying yourselves.
I miss you all very much,
Wishing you a lovely Easter,
Stay safe
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 20 March 2020

Hello to all,

This has been a strange week, but the children have been amazing carrying on with all the lessons as normal.

During school closure
Please log on to Year Two's work box on the website. I hope you enjoy the activities we have set for you. I will be marking them at the end of each week.
Please continue to look at the website for any updates and do not hesitate to communicate with me through email.

I wish you all a healthy and safe time while we are in this situation.
Please try and be positive and spread some kindness to all around you.
Start your day with 5 positive thoughts, it really works.
Take care
Mrs Beadle Miss Southwell and Mrs Blatch